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Understanding Accountability pt. III

Hello and welcome back,

Today I will conclude the Understanding Accountability series with a post about the Additional Readiness component and the Participation Rate indicator.

The Additional Readiness component is derived from three parts; Hathaway Levels, Overall Tested Readiness, and 9th Grade Credits Earned.  Hathaway levels count for 40% of the overall score and come from the Hathaway levels students obtain upon graduation.  There are four levels of Hathaway (Honors, Performance, Opportunity, and Provisional) and the requirements for these vary with student GPA, ACT composite, and success curriculum completion.  Tested readiness is not only the 11th grade ACT but also the performance on the 9th and 10th grade Aspire test.  The score here is based on % proficient in all three tests.  Finally, 9th grade credits earned come from determining 1/4th the number of credits required to graduate (RSHS = 24; 1/4 = 6) and calculating the percent of 9th grade students who earned that number of credits during the 9th grade (including summer school).  Each of these items, along with participation rate, are discussed in the video below.


Have a great day!!

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