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Leading in 2024: The Five Essential Ways Leaders Must Show Up

During the course of this past calendar year, 2023, I learned a lot about leadership. Yes, even the expert in leadership can continue to learn. I think it is interesting how we can get rolling into a year and before we know it, we pick up our heads and realize time has escaped us. I learned that the best leaders are humble enough to know they don’t know it all and want to continuously grow. As a coach, I have been challenged similarly to how I was challenged as a principal to give feedback and coach my best teachers. I have learned that, just like in other leadership roles, listening is so very important. When I really lean in, I can then ask deep questions that help leaders reflect on their own practice. This opens the door for us to really jump into to brainstorming and thinking through challenges they may be facing. This, is leadership – listening and asking questions.

The great leaders of today are not the authoritarian who demands unquestioned loyalty, who cannot hear opposing viewpoints, or cannot adjust to nor embrace competition. Today’s best leaders are those who listen first, who understand and empathize with those they lead as human beings, not just employees or direct reports, and know the importance of leading people.

Alas, a new year is upon us and schools are back in session. As we step into 2024, the need for leaders to show up authentically and effectively has never been more crucial. In this blog post, I’m sharing the five most important ways leaders need to show up in 2024 to foster a positive, inclusive, and successful school environment.

  1. Show Up for Relationships: In the digital age, where remote work and virtual communication have become the norm, the importance of continually building and nurturing relationships cannot be overstated. Leaders must make a conscious effort to show up for their teams, both in person and virtually. Effective leaders understand that relationships are the foundation of a thriving workplace. They take the time to connect with team members on a personal level, showing genuine interest in their well-being and professional growth. In 2024, leaders should prioritize regular check-ins, team-building activities, and one-on-one meetings to strengthen the bonds within the team. Furthermore, showing up for relationships extends beyond the immediate team. Leaders must also foster connections with other departments, stakeholders, and even competitors. Collaboration and open communication can lead to innovative solutions and create a more interconnected and supportive professional network.
  1. Show Up Looking for Positives: In the face of challenges and uncertainties, leaders must maintain a positive outlook to inspire and motivate their teams. Showing up looking for positives involves cultivating an optimistic mindset and actively seeking opportunities in every situation. Leaders in 2024 should encourage a culture of positivity within their organizations. This can be achieved by acknowledging and celebrating small wins, recognizing individual and team achievements, and promoting a solution-oriented approach to problem-solving. By emphasizing the positive aspects of work and acknowledging the efforts of their teams, leaders create a more resilient and motivated workforce. Moreover, leaders need to be adaptable and embrace change as a positive force for growth. In an ever-changing business landscape, those who can navigate uncertainties with optimism will be better equipped to lead their teams to success.
  1. Show Up as a Coach: The traditional top-down leadership model is evolving, with a growing emphasis on collaborative and coaching-oriented leadership styles. In 2024, leaders must show up as coaches, guiding and developing their teams to reach their full potential. Coaching involves providing constructive feedback, fostering a growth mindset, and empowering team members to take ownership of their professional development. Leaders should actively engage in mentoring and coaching conversations, helping employees set and achieve meaningful goals. By investing in the growth and well-being of their team members, leaders not only build a more skilled workforce but also cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. Additionally, effective coaching involves active listening and empathy. Leaders should create an environment where team members feel heard and supported, fostering a sense of trust and collaboration.
  1. Show Up Resiliently: Resilience is a key trait for leaders in a rapidly changing world. The ability to bounce back from setbacks and navigate challenges with grace is essential. Leaders must show up resiliently, modeling the strength and adaptability they expect from their teams. Resilient leaders understand that failure is a part of the journey to success. In 2024, leaders should openly share their own experiences of overcoming adversity, demonstrating that setbacks are opportunities for growth. By acknowledging and learning from failures, leaders create a culture that embraces innovation and risk-taking. Moreover, leaders should prioritize their well-being to maintain resilience. This includes promoting work-life balance, encouraging self-care practices, and providing resources for mental health support. A leader who shows up resiliently not only inspires their team but also contributes to a healthier and more productive work environment.
  1. Show Up Focused on Yourself: While leaders are often focused on the needs of their teams and organizations, it is equally important for them to show up focused on themselves. Personal development and self-awareness are foundational elements of effective leadership. In 2024, leaders should invest time and effort in their own growth and well-being. This involves continuous learning, seeking feedback, and staying abreast of industry trends. Leaders who prioritize their own development are better equipped to navigate challenges and lead with confidence. Self-awareness is another crucial aspect of showing up focused on oneself. Leaders should regularly reflect on their strengths, weaknesses, and leadership style. By understanding themselves, leaders can make informed decisions, build stronger relationships, and lead with authenticity.

Once again, the leadership landscape is evolving, and leaders must adapt to the changing expectations of the workforce. By showing up for relationships, looking for positives, acting as coaches, demonstrating resilience, and focusing on personal development, leaders can navigate the challenges of 2024 and create thriving and resilient organizations. As we embark on this new year, let’s embrace these essential ways of showing up as leaders to inspire and lead our teams to success.

Have a #RoadToAwesome week


Tune in this Sunday to “Leaning into Leadership” where Dr. Kristilynn Turney, school improvement expert, is my guest.

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