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Wall – post labor

In late July, I wrote a post focused on making some changes.  Two specific blog posts

were written with the thought in mind that it was time to give our building a much needed facelift.

Schools should be about kids, for kids, and owned by kids…which is a difficult shift in most people’s thinking.

A snipet from my blogpost on July 20 had a few questions that were on my mind at the time, specific to making this all important change to the look of @RSHS_Tigers building.  This is what I wrote then..

** I find myself today asking the following questions:

  1. Are the hallways of the building eye-catching?  Do they make staff and students want to be here, or are they bland and traditional?
  2. Are there more areas where we can showcase student work?
  3. Can we brighten up the look and feel of the hallways?  Can we put an emphasis on making all students welcome in our building, not just those that fit the ‘mold’ of jock/popular kid?
  4. Are we promoting a positive climate or perpetuating a traditional design that only those who ‘play the game’ feel welcome?
  5. What can I do with about 6 weeks until the start of school to change what we current have in place? My answers to the questions above tell me we need to make some changes.

I included in the blogpost from July 22 pictures of the boring, bland, tan brick walls (see link above) with a promise to bring an update soon.  I also promised this on @twitter – specifically to Sara Cowey (@CoweySara) and both Phillip and Tara Campbell (@docstobe).  As well, inspiration was gained from Tom Nichols (@NicholstcTom) and his awesome orange and black wall at North Stafford (#NorthNation).

So, without further ado, here is where we are today…

At the entry of the building, you will now find our Mission and Vision statements.  We asked students to identify the words that really should stand out in the mission and vision.  They unanimously chose the words in orange and silver as ‘power’ words. (and after the picture was taken, Rock Springs High School at the top is now all painted orange)

Mission and Vision

These two murals are separate in their focus but are really cool.  The ‘Foundation of Education’ was a mural proposed by one of our counselors (thanks Nathan Wiest) and will be signed by every staffulty member later this week.

The Make-A-Wish wall relates to the Make-A-Wish foundation, which is the primary charity of Wyoming Student Councils.  We have raised, partnered with our ‘rival’ in Green River, over $250,000 for MAW in the past 8 years.  Pretty awesome work for a county of less that 50K people.

The “Foundation of Education” & ‘Make-A-Wish’

These pictures are of the main hallway.  Previously plain tan brick, we chose to hilight who are kids are OUTSIDE of school.  We want our kids to feel welcome, appreciated, and NOTICED when they walk in the front door.  These top two photos have been the ones most talked about. The third picture is a close up of what is in the middle of that wall…our COMMITMENT 2 GRADUATE (C2G) graduates.

Be Epic…Not Ordinary
C2G (Commitment 2 Graduate)


Next up is the nearly 100 year old Rock Springs crest – painted opposite C2G and Epic

RS Crest

We got a little creative outside of our band and choir rooms (now they want to paint the music staff and ‘lines’ down their entire hallway – AWESOME)

Band and Choir entry

We ‘copied’ from both Phillip and Tom in this area, putting in our Pause Before You Post and No Bullying wall murals; but we added in a quote from Eleanor Roosevelt

Quote reads “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent”

Our cafeteria needed a major boost, and its getting one.  The painting should be completed tomorrow, with 4 student microwaves coming tomorrow as well.  From boring to ‘Welcome to the Jungle’ in a couple short weeks.  Whether you are coming or going, you will clearly know its all about the Tiger here…

This cafeteria wall (food line entrances) will say “Welcome to the Jungle”
As you leave the Jungle, you are reminded that “It’s a great day to be a Tiger”
Use window space wisely – #TIGERS and RSHS surround our windows now

Nothing speaks to who we are more than this phrase, coined by, then painted by, senior Erikka Soto (@errrikkamarie98) – we are truly #ProudToBeATiger


Well, I think I hit it on all but one of the questions I was asking myself.  I still need to identify spaces for student work to be displayed.  That is coming…but in the mean time, I am super proud of my kids and team of educators.

So…where are WE headed?  As if you have to ask…

#RoadToAwesome – the @RSHS_Tigers destination

Inspire others,


Published inUncategorized


  1. Tricia Pena

    Awesome! This is is what I teach to schools and to see the transformation is so Renaissance ! Nice Bike!

    • darrinpeppard

      Thanks Tricia…amazing the impact it is having on our school culture. Suprisingly too the impact on our community…newspaper doing a feature article on it this Sunday and many community members coming in to view the murals and take pictures. Super Awesome…Jostens Renaissance at it best-impacting culture!!! #RoadToAwesome

      You have to explain the ‘nice bike’ to me…I see it on a lot of your stuff and your school’s stuff…cool catch phrase that I’m sure has an even better story

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