“To the world you may just be a teacher, but to your students you are a HERO.”–Unknown
As educators, we don’t often enough hear of the impact we’ve had on the young men and women we touch during our careers. I have been an educator for nearly 22 years, which means I have had over 2,000 students as a teacher and countless thousands as a building administrator. As a coach, hundreds more spent time with me on the bus, at practice, and competing in numerous games.
Yesterday I was met with a great surprise. One of my former students, whom I also coached in basketball and tennis, tagged me in the following post on Facebook:
Darrin M Peppard, here is to you. Anatomy and physiology class you got me fascinated with school and learning. I Thank You! (Great coach too!!!)
Watching this video, it is difficult not to be teary-eyed and have your heart swell with joy. This time of year, I would ask that you reach out to a teacher who made a difference for you.
I want to say a true thank you to all my teachers at Rock Springs High School. You are truly amazing and make unbelievable impacts on the lives of kids each and every day. I may not say it enough, but I really appreciate all you do and love each and every one of you.
“Ideal teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their students to cross, then having facilitated their crossing, joyfully collapse, encouraging them to create bridges of their own”–Nikos Kazantzakis
Thank you to all educators, this special time of year take a minute to reflect on what your life’s work truly is and how it makes a difference in the world.
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