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Where do we go from here?

Reflection is a powerful thing. Without it, we are doomed to repeated the mistakes made in previous attempts at whatever we might be trying to accomplish. Having just spent several days with like minded individuals, all hell-bent on doing what is best for kids, I am compelled to think about the great work each of them is doing, the great work we at RSHS are doing, and wonder…where do we go from here?

The last thing any staff wants is for their principal to return from a conference and make sweeping changes to processes already in place.  That happens to be the same way I feel about it, so no big changes right now.  I was, however, able to reflect on some current practices that are not as effective as I would like, some practices that are quite effective, and some things that I’ve wanted to do but, for various reasons, have not yet implemented.

What might be some next steps for leadership at RSHS?

  1.  Enhance Communication – I talk a lot about us needing to communicate more with parents and get frustrated when we don’t.  If we are to make a move from information starvation to information feast I HAVE TO MODEL it.  It will take even greater transparency from me to staff, parents, and students.  How can I do this??
    • further control the message via social media – but not just what we post on Twitter and Facebook.  That’s too easy and is not hitting them all.  I would like to follow the model I learned from Dwight Carter (@DwightCarter) of using Storify to cluster all #RoadToAwesome references.  This can then be both linked in our staff newsletter (or Friday Focus blog, more on this in a minute) and emailed to parents.
    • Friday Focus blog – great opportunity to take the best of what’s happening in our building and community and shine the spotlight on our hard working staff
    • Emailing parents with positive information, making calls to parents to share good news, and recognizing students for the great things they do with a ‘fancy lunch’ once per month for leaders of the week.
  2. Push positive climate and culture – right after student and staff safety, my most important work is, and needs to continue to grow, in the area of positive culture.  We have taken some excellent steps in this area during the course of this year, but we can and will improve.
  3. Finally, ONE THING…

    Working with staff, in a very structured matter, we will identify the ONE THING that we can make our common focus, unify the efforts of staff, and be genuinely striving to achieve.



Keep rolling down the #RoadToAwesome




Published inUncategorized

One Comment

  1. Angie

    Just a read an article that talked about having a group of teachers identify 10 students that they need to talk to the parents about. Then schedule conferences with these 10 parents. SLC’s?

    I also have read several articles where middle school and high schools have gone away from traditional PT conferences.

    Still on the challenge 🙂

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